I am a free thinker but I lean towards the teaching of Buddhism

Thursday, April 5, 2018

looking back

I stopped blogging in 2013 and I accidentally chanced upon my own blog today. One of my post in 2011 was "Too Young to retire at 39?"

too young-to-retire-at-39

So what are the diff today?

In 2011
1. wonder what to put down as my occupation
2. application new credit card rejected
3.  skeptical look from people when I told them I was retired
4. wake up anytime I want

Present Day 2018 (7 years after retirement)
1. my occupation is Retired and I don't care what other people think
2. application for new credit card still rejected 😖
3. less or no more skeptical look. Maybe I look much older now when I stopped dying my greying hair
4. wake up at six plus for chauffeur duty for my schooling kids

Did I get bore with my retirement life? Hell no!

I also had a bucket list in 2011

bucket/dream list

Things changed and looking back, my current list is quite different now. In fact, I don't even have a bucket list and I am just happy to enjoy the simple joy of life.

For those curious about my financial investment, my investment portfolio has changed slightly

1.  switching from corporate bond to Managed bond funds (lesson learned when hit by Swiber and Ezion bond defaults)
2. investing more on private equities funds
3. more exposure to USD investment (lesson learned that SG can be screwed by China if our politicians don't know how to play world political game correctly)

A few good business opportunities came knocking on my door but I decided that life is short and I had enough to ensure my kids and future grand kids will enjoy our current life style.


1 comment:

  1. Tjandra Limanjaya is a businessman, who currently focuses on tourism. He is the husband of Irnawati sutanto. But for reading related to "the business involved" can be read directly on the Tjandra Limanjaya link.
